

Collection object

Length from handle to end of the beam 1.52, width 57.4, diameter of wheel 58.5
Wheelbarrow, for turf, wood with iron shod wheel, made by O'Connors, Castleconnell c 1920. Basically an inverted A-frame construction with the cross stroke elongated to become the handles at one end and take the wheel at the other. Where the two arms of the A meet the cross stroke the two sides are separated by threaded iron rods with nuts, and the three planks of the base of the barrow are each mortised into the cross piece; the two planks of the upstanding back, and the four on the longer front of the barrow, over the wheel, are nailed to the Frame. On one side of the apex of the A the joint has been strengthed with the use of an iron hinge. The wheel is wooden, with four spokes and is shod with an iron band. The axle is wooden but with iron gudgeons on either end to fit into iron brackets on the frame. The wood is somewhat worm eaten.