
Collection object

L. 44.0 x W. 27.4
Map, canvas backed, 1829. Top, right, title, Plan / of the / City of Limerick. / with the Stations of the Steam and Trade Boats / of the / Inland Steam Navigation Company / Plying both on the upper and lower / Shannon. / 1829 / Allens' Lithog. / Dame Street / Dublin. Bottom left, rectangular cartouche with bevelled corners, written at right angles to rest of map, Steam Packets Ply regularly between / Limerick, Tarbert, Kilrush, and the / intermediate places. Passengers for / Killarney and Tralee are landed at Tarbert / Packet boats ply daily between / Limerick, Killaloe & Lough Derg. The Stations of Inland Steam Company are shown at Steam Boat Quay and on the south side of the canal to Killaloe etc, just inside the lock. The map shows Kings Island, Irishtown, Newtown Pery and area around those. Waterways are shown in blue, the remainder in monochrome. Note both Floating Dock and New Square are shown, as proposed at that time, but they were never completed in the form shown. Note Lyons Quay, at eastern end of Wellesley (Sarsfield) Bridge, and Kilrush Quay at Steam Boat Quay at end of Hartstonge Street. Abbey River marked Salmon Weir River, and Grove Island marked Sallow Island. Note street pattern at western end of Thomond Bridge appears to reflect shape of 1690s outworks there. Prominent buildings numbered, and shown darker, hatched. Top right, list of those buildings, headed References / 1 Inland Steam Co. to Killaloe / 2 Inland Steam Co. to Kilrush / 3 Exchange / 4 County Court House / 5 City ditto / 6 Custom house / 7 Commercial Buildings / 8 Post Office / 9 Assembly Rooms / 10 Earl of Limerick's Ho. / 11 Bishop's Palace / 12 House of Industry / 13 Barracks / 14 Artillery Barracks / 15 County Jail / 16 New Barracks / 17 Cathedral / 18 Barrington Hospital / 19 Lace Manufactory / 20 Butter Market / 21 Corn Market / 22 Meat Market. Notes: 5 (City Courthouse), shown in block on corner of Bridge St and George's Quay; 13 (Barracks) is King John's Castle; 14 (Artillery Barracks) is shown on the site of the present City Hall, and what became the Artillery Barracks on Newtown Mahon is not named as anything in particular; 18 (Barrington's Hospital) opened in 1829; 19 (Lace Manufactory) opened in 1829 also, by George Walker, and was the first such in Limerick; 20 (Butter Market) and 21 (Corn Market) are shown on the site of the Linen Hall, the Milk Market building being shown but not marked as such, to their south. De Nais No. 502?

Allens Lithog (engraver)