
Collection object

Map L. 46.5 x W. 39.3
Map, photograph of, framed. Limerick (title, upper left). Plan of the city centre showing street plan with names, prominent buildings labelled. Stereoscopic view numbers superimposed over map, with viewing point and left and right edges of viewing arc marked. Viewing point locations marked with number in circle. Views marked: 90 (King John's Castle and downstream), 91 (St. Mary's Cathedral from Exchange), 92 (Sarsfield Statue), 93 (Treaty Stone, Thomond Bridge and King John's Castle). Note: Lyons Quay (Harvey's Quay), Orphan Ho. (Henry St), Bishops Palace (Henry St., incorporating Earl of Limerick's House), Post Office (south side of Lr. Cecil St.), Franciscan Cha. (Franciscan Church), Presb. / Ch. (NW of junction of Catherine St and Glentworth St.), Bow Lane (St. Augustine Place), Cruise's / Royal / Hotel (O'Connell St), The Parade (Nicholas St.), Town Wall (south of Old Clare St.). Compass crosses, top and centre right. Double line border around map. Bottom, below border, Copyright, 1907, by Underwood & Underwood / Patented U.S.A., August 21, 1900. (space) Patented Great Britain, March 22, 1900 / Patented France, March 26, 1900. S. G. D. G. (space) Switzerland, (Swiss cross) Patent Nr. 21,211. Bottom, right of centre, inside border, Dorman Engraving Co., N.Y. Map from Johnston: Ireland through a stereoscope, Ireland Tour, Map No. 5, Published by Underwood & Underwood, 1907. Scale, 1500 feet. NLI neg. no. 20246, De Nais no. 513.

Underwood & Underwood (published by)