
Collection object

sheet L. 40.4 x W. 35.2
Map, photograph of, framed. National Library negative no. 20436. From p 224 of Story's History of the Wars of Ireland, 1693. Plan of Limerick under siege 1691, black line around, annotated with legend. Shows Lymrick, Irish-town, The Kings / Island, Thomond / bridge, near the respective parts of the city, and Castle near King John's Castle. Shows the walls of Limerick, the outworks, the star fort on Kings Island, also Balls Bridge, marked M. Outside, a series of trenches? are shown facing the town from the East, a line of contravallation B, from the south, and a total of five gun and mortar emplacements are shown firing on the town. The emplacements are labelled C, D, E, and F. Also shown are two forts labelled A, and other fortifications also. Bottom, left, are shown two groups of tents, labelled The D. of Whittem- / bergs quarters, and The Generalls quarters. Top, left, are a group of ships labelled L at an inlet into the Shannon. Right, are a pair of bridges, labelled G, and weirs, labelled K. The surrounding topography is shown. Map same as p. 244 of LM 1990.263. Legend, top right, in rectangular frame, Lymrick / A Forts / B Line of Contravalation / C Batterys / D Battery / E 8 Mortars / F Battery / G Bridge of Pontons / H A Fort / I A Fort / K Fishing Wyers / Our Ships provisions / M Balls Bridge / A scale of 400 Geometrical paces, with below, a scale, 0 - 400, in increments of 100, alternate sections of the scale being black. Top right, above line, pag. 224.