
Collection object

sheet L. 53.7 x W. 45.4
Map, photograph of, framed. National Library negative no. 20438. From p 38 of Story's History of the Wars of Ireland, 1693. Illustration of Limerick under siege 1690, annotated with legend. Shows The Irish Town, The English Town, over the respective parts of the city. Shows the walls on the eastern side of Limerick (note sallyport C), the outworks, the star fort on Kings Island (A new / Irish / Fort), and lines of fire from three locations, two in Irishtown and one in Englishtown. Also two lines of tents on Kings Island, and a large flag (English royal?) flying from a tower in Englishtown. Outside, a series of trenches? are shown facing the town, and a total of five gun and one mortar emplacement are shown firing on the town. The emplacements are labelled, from left, 8 Peices to charge of town (guns firing on Kilmallock Gate and outworks, including B, A round tower with 3 guns, and D, the Gate house), 8 Battering Peices (guns firing on bastion with flag in Irishtown marked A), 4 Mortar Peices (firing on Englishtown and Balls Bridge, note fuze flames on bombs), These Peices shot red hot Balls (12 guns firing, no lines of fire shown), 4 Peices playing to / the bridge (guns firing at Ball's Bridge), and finally, 4 Peices to dismount / the enemys cannon (guns firing on wall angle in Englishtown). Also note, left, a star fort (Iretons Fort), above, an Irish / Redoubt, below, centre, A ruind house an / Orchard, right, A house an Orchard, and below, left of centre, Our Army encampt, with nine blocks / camps: six infantry? (1 large), two cavalry? (large), and one large one with flags(headquarters?). At the fork of the Abbey and Shannon rivers is marked The Shannon. Bottom, right, a compass rose, 'spearpoint at north. Title, top centre, on a scroll, A Prospect of Limerick / Bearing Due West / Exactly shewing Ye Approaches Batteries & Breach &ct / Sold by R. Chiswell in St, Pauls churchyard. Top left, legend, A a fort of ye Enimys / B a round tower with 3 Gunns / C a Sally Port / D the Gate house. Top, right, page. 38, handwritten? (note different placing and spelling to eg of same in LM 1990.263). Top right, faint, stamp, National Library of Ireland.