
Collection object

Map sheet L. 58.8 x W. 34.6
Map, photograph of, framed. National Library negative no. 20214. Plan of Limerick, untitled, showing proposed? or suggested? defencive works. Pen and Ink. Existing works at Irishtown shown (1690), Kings Island star fort not shown. Irish Towne, English Towne, and Kings Island all marked. Abbey River marked This to be Stopt at A A and made passable at all times, and a dam is shown at either end, each dam being marked with an A. Just outside the line of the Englishtown walls is shown a series of three bastions, and outside, an angular moat, connected at its northern end to the Shannon and at the southern end to the Abbey river just below the dam there. What appears to be a terreplein is shown on the outer (Eastern) bank of this moat. Balls Bridge is not shown, presumably removed, and a bridge is shown in the location of the present Matthew Bridge. On the South side of the proposed bridge, on the bank of the Abbey river, an outwork of bastions is shown, and the eastern side of this overlies part of the 1690 outworks of Irishtown, which are shown lighter, in dotted outline. The walls around Irishtown are shown solid, slightly heavier. No connection between Irishtown and Englishtown is shown other than the single road through the proposed outworks to the new bridge. This would suggest that Irishtown was to be abandoned, probably demolished. To the West, on the Clare side of Thomondgate, another set of outworks are shown. The Shannon is marked Shannon twice, and depth soundings are shown for it and the undammed portion of the Abbey River. Structures visible on the plan: Irishtown - St John's Church and yard, Thomcore, walls and outworks; Englishtown - King John's Castle (marked Castle), docks, St Munchins Church, Bishops House, Dominicans Church, St Mary's Cathedral, Newgate. Bottom, centre, a scale , in feet 0 - 300, the first 100 in increments of 10, the remainder in increments of 100. Marked, below, left, Toises (French). Top, right, a stamp, circular, National Library of Ireland (also in Irish). Left, below top left corner, a compass line cross, marked (clockwise, from right) E, S, W, and top, a spearpoint denoting North. Bottom, right, c. 1691, by hand.