
Collection object

Photo map L. 41.3 x W. 39.7; British Museum scale at edge, 10.0 = 9.4 actual.
Map, photograph of. Plan of The Castle / at Limrick (top centre, on scroll), c. 1610. British Museum P2921, View of buildings, fortifications of King John's Castle, annotated with legend, and scale in feet. Roisin de Nais's Bibliography, No. 475. No National Library negative no. Legend, bottom centre, A.B.C. Three round towres of 50 or 60 / foote hye which bears Ordnance / D. The new Bulwark of Stone aboue 30 foote / high (illegible word) bearing 4 or 5 peeces of Ordnance / E. Two half round Towres of same height / flanking the porte / F. The Porte / G. The Drawbridge / H. The munition house / I. The Ditch. Right of the castle, the river shoreline is shown, from top to bottom, and written right of it, and parallel to it, large, is The Shannon / The Haven. Top left, 33. Bottom left, small, B.M. Cotton Ms. Augustus i. ii 33 / Reproduction - Plan of the Castle of Limerick. In the centre, a scale, in feet ( 0 - 30, in increments of 5). The plan shows the castle, in perspective, looking directly towards the main entrance. The plan is essentially square, with a large drumshaped tower at the corners ( A, B, and C) except for top left, which is a bastion (D.). There are a pair of D - shaped towers (E.) at the gate way which is centrally placed along the bottom, with a drawbridge (G.) between them across a moat (I.). At the head of the drawbridge, along the inside edge of the wall is a small two storey gate house building (F.) with ridged roof, and a chimney, and a round headed arched doorway at a level in line with the drawbridge. Along the right wall of the castle is a long building, ridged roof with a row of five windows or vents on its river side, apparently two storey, with a door at ground level, midway along its length, facing into the castle yard, and another which appears to open onto the wall walk.