Whiskey jar

Collection object

H. 24, to shoulder 16.4, H neck/rim 2.2. D. base 11.4 shoulder 15.2, base neck 3.9 rim 4.9 internal 2.3. W. handle 2.5 Wt. 2107.3
Jar, whiskey, ceramic, stoneware. Flat base, body widening to round shoulder, short squat neck with collar around base, and flat rim; strap handle with longitudinal grooves, thumb impression at base, pointed end to base; handle rises a fraction above rim level. Impressed across shoulder opposite handle "T. McGrath/ 30 William Street/ Limerick". To left of handle "Grosvenor/ 5/ Glasgow", the letters curving around the number. Off white fabric, with clear glaze over bottom portion brown glaze from shoulder to rim. 1/2 gallon capacity?

Grosvenor (potter)