

Collection object

Folded H. 25.5 W. 15.9 Map unfolded H.48.6 W. 61.3
Map, printed. Scale 5.75 inches to mile. Burrow's Pointer map to Limerick. Folding map inside card cover. Front cover, printed in orange and black reads "Published with the Approval of/ The Limerick Corporation/ Burrow's/ Pointer Map/ to/ Limerick/ (depiction of an unfolded map)/ With the aid of the pointer any important/ street, public building, or feature of interest/ may be instantly found./ Designed, Printed in England and Produced by/ Ed. J. Burrow & Co. Ltd., Cheltenham and London/ This form of Map is copyright and may not be reproduced except/ with the consent of the holders of the original copyright and patent." Map, based on OS map, printed in black shows from Shannon (rail) Bridge and Athlunkard Bridge in the north to Greenpark Racecourse in S.W. corner to c. present day Parkway centre at E. side. At centre left edge of map is fixed a swivelling paper tape, on metal eye, printed in orange, divided into units lettered A to Z with each unit subdivided 1-6; around the outer edge of the bottom, right and upper edges, of the map, also in orange, are the numbers 1 to 150 with short lines next to them, all centred on the swivel end of the tape; across the bottom of the sheet is a street index with number letter number reference next to each; to find street one swings tape to number on outer edge then finds the letter and number on the tape, below which is the street. The map is surrounded on three sides by adverts for local businesses and there are also adverts inside the cover and on the back of the cover. The top half of the map folds down and is then folded in half and half again into the cover; of the four panels of the reverse thus formed, the right hand has a Lawrence photo of Sarsfield Bridge over an advert; the left an Irish Tourist Association photo of the Treaty Stone and Sarsfield Bridge, over an advert, while the centre two have information about Limerick under cartoons of people using the map. Tear down front of cover at left side.