
Collection object

H. 54.6 W. 42.5 in frame H. 69.5 W. 56.5
Certificate of membership of the Independent Order of Oddfellows of Patrick Joseph Dillon, 8 July 1878. Ornate. Script on base of plinth, with instepped plinth above with central lithographed scene of female figure, feathers at front of headband, quiver of arrows on back, pointing out text on a scroll to another female figure wearing a helmet with central mane, two figures standing and one seated to l., sailing ship to l. background. Shield, red with l. to r. downward diagonal stripes to l. of scene; U.K. arms? (shield quartered, three lions passant on red background above l. and below r., lion rampant on yellow above r., harp on blue below l) to r. of plinth. Above centre of plinth, fruit and dove with olive branch. Above this, shield quartered, sand timer in top l., crossed keys top r., beehive bottom l., lamb with pennant bottom r., rose, thistle oak and shamrock in cross of quartering bands. Hand with red heart on palm on sphere in garland above shield, eye with yellow beams emerging above. On plinth l., female standing holding infant, male child standing clutching skirts, female child sitting on edge of plinth. To r., female standing, l. hand o anchor, r. hand behind head of seated female holding simple cross of tied sticks in r. hand. Text on plinth base: To the / Grand Master, the Board of Directors / and the order in general / This is to certify. That our well beloved brother (Patrick Joseph Dillon) / was admitted a member of the Loyal (Brake of the Shannon) lodge No. (4706) / in the (Limerick) District of the Manchester Unity of the Independent / Order of Oddfellows on the (eight) day of (July) in the Year / of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and (seventy eight) / (John? F? Preston) N.G. (? Yeates) V.G. (Patrick J ?) Secy. Engraved by J A Wright and H Fernell? after a drawing by H Corbould Esqr.

J A Wright (engraver)