
Collection object

H. 14.6 W. 9.2
Book. Manual of Catholic Piety, by Rev. William.....; name and date obscured by newscutting. Printed by James Duffy & Co Ltd. Dublin. Official prayer book issued to Michael Conway while in prison 1920-21 448 +150 pp; second part a selection from the gospels. Black leather binding ebossed at centre, Official/ Copy in oval around royal arms. End papers stamped HM Prison Kilkenny. Inside cover ms. inscription Ml Conway/ Irish Prisoners Camp/ Kilkenny/ 30th July 1920 to 7 Jan 1921; opposite that, Michael Francis Conway/ Rathkeale/ Co. Limerick/ 1944-49. Other inscriptions at front with some pasted obituary notices. Binding loose, the whole on verge of coming apart; yellow silk marker loose inside.

James & Co Ltd Duffy (printer)