
Collection object

H. 71.6 W. 56.3 Seal max. H 4.6 W. 5.9
Certificate of appointment of Samuel Edward Lee, North Strand Limerick, as Commisioner (Justice) of the Peace, Limerick 1901. Single sheet of paper, with bottom edge turned up and fastened with metal eyes at either side. Printed text with a number of names, fellow appointees, written in in black ink. Signed at bottom on upturn, by J Nugent Lentaigne, Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper. Two red stamp duty embossings in margin at top left; one for £5, the other for £1, both have the head of a goddess, with Supreme Court of Justice Ireland around, the amount and date 7-8-01. Piece of white ribbon, attached below the upturn, carries a seal of black wax with image of an enthroned Queen Victoria holding sceptre. Wateramark; an unclear monogram, over VR.
Names of fellow appointees; Sir Thomas H Cleeve, William Gough Gubbins; James O'Shaughnessy; Joseph Matterson; Alexander W Shaw; Ambrose Hall; John Abraham; John Joseph Cleary; John George Kelly; William Boyd; Charles McDonnell; James Quin; John Guinanae; Thomas Gaffey; John Beatty Barrington; Francis George Mulholland Kennedy; Stephen Quin; Thomas Moriarty; William L Stokes; William McDonnell; Patrick E Bourke; John Clune; Thomas Hayes; Poole Gabbett and James Hogan Roche