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Remembrancer, manuscript. Titled: Remembrancer for Dr Gore, re history of Limerick Philosophical & Literary Society building. Par.1: 9 Apr 1840, society formed. Par.2: 17 May 1842, public meeting at which a plan for raising funds for a building was agreed - (note) See resolution. Par.3: Plot of ground taken from Earl of Limerick and leases granted to trustees, Francis Spaight, Michael Furnell, James Sayers, James Harvey and George Westropp. The lease does not recite the trusts or purposes for which it was obtained (note) See lease. Par.4: Committee agreed a bill of prices with W H Owen CE, architect, and John Duggan, practical architect, contractor. The contract wad a detailed contract, Duggan only bound to do works at the prices set down in his Bill of Prices, but agreeable to Owens specifications and by direction of the committee. Par.5: After some progress in building was made, it was found that the sum estimated, L2000, was insufficient when L1600 was spent, the committee resolved to stop the work, and informed Duggan, but he carried on. The committee did not discontinue their directions as to how the work should be done, but either sanctioned or disapproved of how it was doing, and also took possession of the building, under the assurance of a resolution that their occupancy should not be deemed a possession so as to defeat any effort by Duggan to secure payment. Par.6: The work is not executed agreeable to specification in all respects. Par.7: A draft account by Owen between the shareholders or committee and Duggan was referred by a general meeting to a revising committee, who objected to the manner and amount of the account, Owen and others got a resolution placed on the books referring the matter to Mr Pain on behalf of the contractor and Mr Owen on behalf of the shareholders the measurement and valuation of the building, appending to the resolution that their report was to be final and conclusive. An account was furnished (page 3) on behalf of Duggan (amounts blank) who now says that if balance not paid forthwith, he will shut up the house depriving the society of its use, although they have spent an additional L300 on gas fittings, stone pillars etc. Par.8: The contractor has no agreement of any kind under the hand of the society, either relative to employment generally or even acceptance of his offer of working at the prices in the Bill of Prices. He must rely on the committees books for his proofs, but he does have an order for the execution of the different works from Owen. Par.9: Part of the work claimed in the account is not in the Bill of Process, but is valued by Mr Pain. Page 4 headed: Advice will be required on the following points. PAr.1: Who pays Duggan, trustees, committee, shareholders or architect, or any of them? Par.2: Can Duggan close the house, having been paid L1260, the trustees holding in trust for him a sum subscribed by the original resolutions, and having spent an additional L300 on the building. Par.3: Are the society or shareholders bound by the resolutions to pay the account furnished by Pain and Owen, which contains palpable errors, or does the original plan for a L2000 building stand. Par.4: Advice and direction required on the entire case. The intention of the society is to pay Duggan the just and reasonable value of the building, the account tendered being not correct, and no further funds provided than the first estimate, time is needed. Par.5: Is the secretary of the society to part the possession or give up the keys, or what means should he use for holding same, the resolution quoted being against the adverse holding of possession. Two sheets each written both sides, formerly joined by two blobs of red sealing wax. Watermark p.1, 1841. P.2, Irish harp in crowned angular shield.