
Collection object

Card H. 8.9 W. 17.8 Each photo H. 8.1 W. 7.8
Photograph, b/w, glossy. Thomond Bridge, stereoscope on card, by Underwood & Underwood, New York, 1903-1905. Scene: Bridge and King John's Castle from immediately north of the bridge at Thomondgate, six horses and carts at the centre of the bridge, one of them a water cart, all travelling in the r. lane, two approaching; the cart nearest camera with four passengers, including two women in straw boaters. Pedestrians on far footpath, mainly children, including barefoot boys and a young woman in a black shawl holding a baby. pedestrians on near footpath looking towards camera include two boys with a basket on the parapet, a bearded man in a black hat and two boys, one wearing a uniform. Extreme l., entrance towers of castle, extreme r., SW castle tower. Military buildings in courtyard, Curragour House behind. Across foreground, north wall of bridge and river. Photos with rounded tops mounted on grey card, titled below r. photo: (85) The Thomond Bridge and King John's Castle (XIII. Cent.), E. - / Limerick, Ireland. Copyright 1903 by Underwood & Underwood. Up r. edge of card: Underwood & Underwood Publishers / New York, London, Toronto-Canada, Ottowa-Kansas. Down r. edge: Works and (logo, arc of radial lines over Sun Sculpture / Trade Mark) Studios / Arlington, N.J. Westwood, N.J. Washington. D.C. R/ Printed text in two columns describing the scene, taken from Notes of Travel, No. 18, copyright, 1905, by Underwood & Underwood. Titled in bottom half of r. column in English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch? and Greek.

Underwood & Underwood (published by)