
Collection object

H. 8.8 W. 13.8
Postcard, colour, landscape format, title at top left, "Dunraven Arms Hotel, Adare, Co. Limerick". View of the hotel from the road, looking along the building, with name-board at far end right; in front is a low stone wall with wooden paling fence on top. A single motor car, with spare wheel on back, is parked directly outside the hotel. R/ printed black on white . "Post Card" at centre top with vertical division below; "L. McCarthy, Adare, Co. Limerick" up left; "For Correspondence" to left of centre, "The address to be written here" to right; box for stamp at top right with "0786/ Printed in Germany" inside at bottom. R/ used for an illegible pencil scrawl, but not posted. Pencil dealers marks

L McCarthy (published by)