
Collection object

H. 20.7 W. 13.0
Book, pamphlet, printed by Richard Peppard. A Sermon / Preached in / the Cathedral Church of / Limerick, / by the Rev. William Butler Odell, / on Thursday the 5th December, 1805, / being the day appointed for / A General Thanksgiving / for the late / Glorious Victories / obtained by / His Majesty's Fleets / over / The Combined Squadrons of / The Enemy. / (line) / Published by particular Desire. / (linr) / The Profit arising from the Sale is appropriated to Charity. / (double line) / Limerick: / printed by R. Peppard, Bridge-street. / (short line) / 1805. Disbound. 20pp plus 4pp (title, back title, foreword, back foreword). Sewn with thread. First four pages detached, last four held at bottom only. Some staining.

Richard Peppard (printer)