
Collection object

H. 20.7 W. 29.3 T. 0.4
Book, pamphlet: Portraits of Killaloe by Sean Kierse, Boru Books, Killaloe, 1995, ISBN 0 9512279 2 0. 56 pp plus soft cover, bound with two staples. Front cover: colour aerial view of town and bridge from south. Back cover, hand-drawn map of town, not to scale. 50 numbered b/w photos with texts: 1, aerial of town; 2,3, bridge; 4, lock houses; 5, marble mill; 6, Royal Hotel; 7, Allied Irish Bank; 8, St Flannan's Well; 9, 10, 11 cathedral, interior and oratory; 12, Clarisford Palace; 13, Martin Trust Houses; 14, Deanery; 15, Convent of Mercy; 16, old convent school; 17, forge; 18, sailors and soldiers trust houses; 19, courthouse; 20, fair green; 21 22, 23, RC church, interior, St Lua's oratory; 24, police station; 25, revenue police station; 26, Main St; 27, the big house (horses & carriage); 28, Michaelmas goose; 29, post office; 30, Crotty's shop; 31, Church St; 32, Shannon View Hotel; 33, pier head; 34, Lady Lansdowne steamer (print); 35, shannon steamers (Countess Cadogan); 36, Tobermurragh; 37, print of town and bridge, 1792; 38, Craglea; 39, Parochial house; 40, weir wall; 41, sluices; 42, dredgings of 1880s; 43; eel weirs; eelery; 45, Ballina RIC station; 46, print of Ballina castle, 1822; 47, railway station; 48, Lakeside Hotel; 49, Ballina RC church; 50, Templeachally church.

Sean Kierse (author)