
Collection object

H. 15.0 W. 20.4 mount H. 21.0 W. 28.1
Photograph, b/w print, mounted. No caption but Limerick Pork Butchers Society Committee pictured in 1954, on the occasion of their contribution of £4000 for the renovation of Our Lady's Altar in St. John's Cathedral. Group of 13 men and a priest (Fr Creed flanked by three Joyce brothers) posed before the altar. Reverse of mount has a rectangular stamp reading "This Photo not to be Reproduced/ Without Permission./ Echo Photo Service/ 19 Sarsfield St.,/ Limerick./ Tel No 906". In blue ball-point on reverse of mount "128%/ Full/ Page/ 7". Front of mount worn through white upper surface to the brown beneath at centre top, but not affecting photo. .

Echo Photo Services (photographer)