Axe, stone

Collection object

Axehead, stone. Dark grey to black limestone? Near rectangular cross-section. Widens from cutting edge to butt, which is straight and flat, at an angle to the long axis. One edge is slightly concave in outline, flat and polished. The other is crudely convex, with large flakes removed from the butt to three quarters way along its length, and polished at its junction with the faces to a pointed cross-section. From here it slopes steeply to the cutting edge, with some flakes removed prior to polishing. Both faces are flat and unpolished, with one large flake removed on one at the junction of the edge and butt. The narrow cutting edge is convex and slightly chipped from use. Neolithic L. 16.6 W. cutting edge 4.15 butt 7.09 T. max 2.36