Axe, bronze

Collection object

L. 6.9; W. cutting edge 4.1; D. socket internal 3.2 x 2.5 approx., external 3.6 x 3.0 approx.; Wt.
Axehead, socketed bronze. Rectangular cross-section with rounded corners. Sub-rectangular socket mouth, externally bevelled and slightly flared. Rim partially missing on one face. Central raised rib on the internal faces for a short distance from the blade end. Smoothened stumps only of the loop remain, the lower stump mid-way along the side of the axe. Traces of a filed-down casting ridge remain on the non-looped side. Sides concave in outline. The cutting edge is only slightly splayed, convex in outline and badly blunted, especially towards the looped side. LBA L. 6.9; W. cutting edge 4.1; D. socket internal 3.2 x 2.5 approx., external 3.6 x 3.0 approx.; Wt. H.14 handwritten in yellow ink on one face, the number worn