Axe, bronze

Collection object

L. 5.6; W. cutting edge 4.0; D. socket internal 3.1 x 2.25 external 3.8 x 2.8 Wt.
Axehead, socketed bronze, patinated green-brown. Oval socket mouth, rim externally bevelled. Raised rib on each internal face, off-centre and running at an angle in opposite directions, worn away on one face towards the socket mouth. D-shaped loop emerging from the socket rim, thickening towards the blade end. Ornamented with two shallow parallel grooves 0.4 and 0.7cm below the rim. These do not run under the loop. The sides are almost parallel, the non-looped side narrowing slightly about one-third way down. The cutting edge is only slightly splayed, slightly convex in outline, and set at a slight angle to the long axis towards the non-looped side. The casting ridges have been removed. FRNO 341 H.21 LBA L. 5.6; W. cutting edge 4.0; D. socket internal 3.1 x 2.25 external 3.8 x 2.8 Wt. H.21 in yellow ink on one face; 14 Hewson on a stuck-on label on the other