Axe, bronze

Collection object

L. 6.7; W. cutting edge 5.6; D. socket internal 2.7 x 2.4, external 3.2 x 3.0; Wt.
Axehead, socketed bronze, partially green patinated. Hexagonal cross-section. Oval socket mouth, with a short straight length on one side, and with a steep rounded external bevel. Raised central rib on the internal faces, worn away towards the socket mouth. 0.5cm below the socket is a 0.9cm wide band between badly worn shallow grooves. Stumps only of the loop remain, slightly off-centre towards the socket end. The sides are broadly faceted, and the faces flat in long-section. The cutting edge is bevelled, widely splayed, semi-oval in outline, blunted towards the centre, and flattened at the extremity on the loop side. Kiltenan, near Croagh, Co Limerick. FRNO 341 H.15 LBA L. 6.7; W. cutting edge 5.6; D. socket internal 2.7 x 2.4, external 3.2 x 3.0; Wt. H.15 handwritten in yellow ink on one face; 7 (Hewson) on torn stuck-on label on the other