Axe, bronze

Collection object

L. 12.3; W. cutting edge 6.6, butt, 2.7; T. max 1.25; Wt.
Axehead, copper or bronze, flat. Harbison Type Ballyvalley, No. 1645. Thin narrow rounded butt, with one corner removed. The sides diverge gently and evenly from the butt for three-quarters of its length before splaying gently to the convex cutting edge, one half of which is blunted. The junctions of the sides and cutting edge are flattened. Plano-convex cross-section, flattened towards the sides on the convex face. The sides are round-sectioned, flattened towards the butt. Thickest where the sides begin to splay. Faces rough, with slight diagonal scratching from polishing. EBA L. 12.3; W. cutting edge 6.6, butt, 2.7; T. max 1.25; Wt. H.11 handwritten in yellow ink on the convex face, worn. 3 Hewson handwritten on stuck-on label, now detached.