

Collection object

H. 33.1 W. 20.5
Agreement, typescript, with some ms. additions. Memorandum of agreement, 30-06-48, between Mary E.D. Burkitt and Mrs K.F. Ellery on the one part, and Margaret Lalor, Brigid Gertrude Carroll, Margaret O'Connor and Mary McEvoy all of Rosary Hill, Castleconnell, Trustees of Presentation Order on the other part, for sale of fee farm rent at Castleconnell. Reference to earlier agreement between John Stephen Dwyer and Thomas William Grady and Edward Maunsell; lands in possession of John Hunt in indenture of 1775; house of Philip Roche John, Merchant; marriage settlement of 26-06-1843 of John Stephen Dwyer of the first part, Frances Anne Gill of second and Francis Doyne Dwyer and John Walter of third. Signed by the various parties, and witnessed by Mary G. Mundy, Leigham Ct. Hotel Streatham for Burkitt and H. Hawkins, Ivy Lodge Fleet, J.P. for County of Hants. Date and name of purchasers in ms, with initials of vendors in margin next to corrections in typescript. Two double sheets of legal paper folded to form 8 page booklet with document typed on pp1-5, pages 6-7 blank; folded in half longitudinally and one half of p8 typed with summary of content, and "F.M. Fitt & Co./ Solrs./ Lr. Mallow St.,/ Limerick". Each page has blue ruled left margin.