
Collection object

H.8.9 W.14
Postcard, b/w matt; wide margin at right with title in red, in Irish "Cathair Luimnighe. Ard-Teampall Protustanach Mhuire do/ tosnuigheadt i 1179 le Domhnall Ua Briain, ri Mumhan (376)". View of St Mary's Cathedral from the Athlunkard street cornerwhowing full length of the building, and Exchange wall; on the corner around the lamppost is a group of c 11 people, mostly children, looking at camera. Reverse printed in red; at centre top "Carta Posta" with division line below; up left edge "Cuideachta na gCartai Posta Gaedhealach, Atha Cliath."; left of centre "Postacht Laistigh is Feidir an/ Thuairisg do chur annso." to right "An seoladh amhain annso" box for stamp at top right in which "Stampa/ 1/2p. / Laistigh; 1p. Lasmuigh." and down inside right of box Clo-bhuailte 'san/ nGearmain". Unposted and unused. Pencil dealer's marks at top left "Lim" and bottom left of centre "£6".

Cuideachta na gCartai Posta Gaedhealact (published by)