Book, pamphlet
Book, pamphlet

Book, pamphlet

Collection object

H. 21 W. 14.9
Pamphlet "Living at the Time of the Siege of Limerick: Essays in Social History" edited by Bernardine Dewar, published by Limerick Federation of Womens' Organisations, Printed by Limerick Leader. 78pp with both black and white, and colour illustrations, soft card cover. Cover, in green, depicting a woman throwing a stone from a Victorian print Chapters; "Foreword" by Ann O'Malley President; "Historical Background", Liam Irwin; "The Status of Women", Bernadette Whelan; "Honora Bourke- A Wife's Story" by Grace Cantillon; "A Medical Miscellany", Ann O'Malley; "A Letter to Holland" Judith Hill; "Singing the Treaty, Our Vocal Heritage- with some Limerick Connections", Noirin ni Riain; "The Domestic Round", Wendy Rawson; "Threads of Fashion" Phil Lovett; "A Little Learning", Bernie Long. Sponsored by Bank of Ireland and Guinness Peat Aviation. Treaty 300 logo on back cover

Limerick Leader (printer)