

Collection object

H. 21.7 W. 13.9
Book, "List of Presentments / made by/ the Grand Jury/ of the/ County of Limerick/ at a/ General Assizes and General Gaol Delivery/ Held for the said County/ on Saturday the 10th Day of July 1858", printed by George M'Kern & Sons, 113 George Street Limerick. Account of the fiscal arrangements for the county arranged by barony, with fold out overview for the county. 136 pp, with two four page County Engineers reports at back; bound with string at centre left. Bottom right corner some of the upper pages missing paper; black mould through much of book, p.119-20 partially ripped out. Some pages missing from end?
Judges O'Brien and Baron Green Grand Jury; William Monsell M.P. Tervoe, foreman; John Massy, Milford, Hugh Massy O'Grady, Castlegarde; Wm H. Barrington Glenstal Castle; David Vandeleur Roche, Carass; John Bolton Massy, Ballywire; Thomas O'Grady, the Grange; Edward Croker, Ballinagarde; Col. John Vandeleur, Ballinacourty; John White, Belmont; Samuel F. Dickson, Vermont; Richard Ellis, Abbeyfeale; Henry Maunsell, Limerick; William Howley, Rich-hill; Heffernan Considine, Derk; George Eyre Massy, Riversdale; John Bouchier, Baggotstown; Michael Quin, Limerick; Thomas Royse, Ballinvirick; Daniel Meares Maunsell, Ballywilliam; William Gough Gubbins, Woodsdown; James Cooper Cooper Hill, James Sexton Coonagh. County officers; John White, High Sheriff; Major Thomas P. Vandeleur, Co. Treasurer; George Fleetwood, Clerk of the Crown; Henry O'Shea, Clerk of the peace; Edmond Gabbett, Grand Jury Secretary; Matthew H. De Courcy, Sub Sheriff. County Surveyors; Thomas Kearney east division; Richard Lanauze west division.

McKerns (printers)