
Collection object

H.10.5 W.15.2
Postcard, colour, glossy; multiview with title across centre "Redemptorist Retreat House, Limerick". Four views, clockwise from top right; interior of chapel from central aisle looking towards the altar; a recreation/meeting room with wall lined with armchairs and two tables surrounded by padded tubular steel chairs; refectory, looking towards a crucifix on the wall at one end, two rows of tables with chairs for six at each table, picture windows to left side; and view of the house across the lawn in front. Reverse printed in blue; at centre top a blue rhomboid with a large italic letter C in centre, with "Cardall" up the inside of the C; "Published by Cardall Ltd., Dublin. Printed in the Republic of Ireland." at bottom left; five lines for address. Blue 7p stamp showing medieval vaulting "Architectural Heritage/ Holycross Abbey". Two cancellations; circular place and date stamp has all but missed the card at right edge; other, in an oval layout reads "Please shew/ District Numbers/ in Dublin/ Addresses. Addressed to Sister M. Perpetua Bray, 65 Connolly St., Fermoy, Co. Cork, from Kathleen; message having a nice time here and listing all the types of nuns there.

Cardall Ltd (published by)