
Collection object

H.9 W.13.8
Postcard, colour, matt; novelty type; with margin across bottom, in which at centre "I have just arrived at KILKEE" and "1876Q" by left edge. Cartoon of a a striking lady in bright red skirt and hat, being followed by an overladen porter; in front of her at right a gentleman wearing a monocle lays his jacket on the ground in front of her; behind to the right a policeman holds back a crowd of admirers; to her left a frowning woman is about to tell off her husband who is staring at the woman. Reverse printed in grey; "Post Card/ Printed in Great Britain" at centre top, with vertical dividing line below; up left edge "Valentine's series; left of centre "this space may be used for Correspondence"; to right "The address to be written/ here"; rectangular box for stamp at top right.

Valentine (published by)